Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The Fiddler's Tune

I'm not sure how I want to end this poem yet, but here is what I have so far.

Day in
and day out
I just want to
Because everyday
I think the same goddamn things,

but my brain won't keep quiet
although I try to move on
and every night I see a light
that makes me think
of a played out scene.

What could I have done different?
Was it something I said?
For every action there are a thousand worlds:
is it always the same in the end?

I worry until I hurl
and crawl up into a ball.
Wishing, praying that it didn't all go wrong.
That somehow and someway
I didn't always dance to the same tune.
That the fiddler would stop
and pick something new.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

The Sparrow

Outside the window
where last we sat

lies the rotting
corpse of the sparrow

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


This is my first "love" poem. :D As always constructive criticism is welcome.


There are butterfly's
inside of me.
Their beating wings
a tsunami in my chest.

This is what happens to watermelon seeds
swallowed as a child. They cocoon
and grow.

To be awakened from their long slumber
by your smile.

Saturday, April 16, 2011


I sit with you
on this worn down couch
that has become our pew.

Vile venom and vitriol
from our mouths we spew
feeding the fires in my belly
my hatred of you.

Like falcons locked in coitus
we plummet
for the ground below us.

In the dying light,
of our dying day
the rooster crows.


The sound of the pen

  as it scratches against the page
                 is like the rush and roar of the river

    when I need
to pee


As I breath the summer air.
A thought, it comes to me.
Of the burden that I bear
and all I've come to be.

A greater monster you'll never find;
I torture and kill them here.
One day they'll come with iron to bind
their eyes alit with fear.

That day you'll open your eyes; awake
to all that you have done.
On the stand you'll squirm and shake
knowing that I have won

and when they lock you away in that padded cell;
I'll cackle and laugh triumphantly to know that you're in hell.


Savior of my soul
in darkness you bring bright light
caffeine I am yours.

Dear Undertaker,

give me a decent burial
don't let my wife kid you
by saying we have no money.
Give this note to the cops.

What is a few short years lived in hell.
Hell is all I have.

No more will I pay the bills.
No more will I drive the car.
No more will I wash, iron and mend.
No more will I eat the leftovers
cooked the day before.

This is no way to die? This
is no way to live.

At night I can no longer sleep.
I married the wrong nag--
nag-nag and lost
my life.

Dear undertaker,
give me a decent burial.


Hunger. I awaken.
Cold. Bits of mummified
flesh stick to once alabaster

Hunger. The smell of
putrid, stale air. Still
my stomach roars.

Hunger. The last
breath of death escapes
my lungs. A guttural moan.

Hunger. I claw.
Wet brown soil gives
to what is left of hands
nails long and brittle.

Hunger. I begin
my search. To satisfy-


Says a voice deep inside.
The person I wish I could be
as I lay awake through the night.

Weak little pup.
The voice continues to chide.
Perhaps this is the person
I could be - if only I tried.

If you want it go get it.
Is the virtue he extols,
but life is more complicated
than he seems to know.

If you refuse to shit or get off the pot.
There is only one option. Shut the fuck up.

Monday, February 7, 2011


Something a little lighter it still like everything thus far needs work.

I have a tale to tell,
about the night "They" came.
It was a normal evening
in the cool of December
and the clock read 2:03.

Little men made of gray,
with large insectoid eyes.
Flew in upon an astral skiff,
which sailed the planar sea.

Their tiny ship zigged and zagged,
through this sea of stars
and contrary to most beliefs,
"They" were not that bizarre.

"They: didn't try to cut me open,
to see my insides work.
Not once did "They" try to probe me,
nor did they act like jerks.
Instead "They" sang a merry song,
about the vastness of eternity
how long their people live
and the kraken of these seas.

When "They" finally returned me
it seemed a year had passed,
but the clock still read 2:03
and that my friend was that.